Articole din reviste cu factor de impact:
- DUMBRĂVEANU I., BRANISHTE T., BANOV P., ARIAN I., BALUȚEL B., CEBAN E. Incidence of primary cardiovascular risk factors in patients with erectile dysfunction. The Medical-Surgical Journal. 2018, vol. 122, nr. 1, p. 33-38.
On-line: https://www.revmedchir.ro/index.php/revmedchir/article/view/545/ - BANOV P., CEBAN E. The efficacy of metaphylaxis in the treatment of recurrent urolithiasis. Journal of Medicine and Life. 2017, vol. 10, nr. 3, p. 188-193.
On-line: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5652268/ - DUMBRĂVEANU I., ARIAN I., MUNTEANU A., CATERENIUC D., TĂNASE A. Erectile dysfunction in male with glans penis apocrine hydrocistoma: organic or psyhogenic? Andvances in Sexual Medicine. 2017, 7, 131-138.
On-line: https://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=77493 - CEBAN E., BANOV P., GALESCU A., TĂNASE D. The cellular and humoral immunity assay in patients with complicated urolithiasis. Journal of Medicine and Life. 2017, vol. 10, nr. 1, p. 80-84.
On-line: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5304380/ - CEBAN E., BANOV P., GALESCU A., BOTNARI V. Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in patients with complicated urolithiasis. Journal of Medicine and Life. 2016, vol. 9, nr. 3, p. 259-262.
On-line: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5154310/ - Drăguţescu M, Mulţescu R, Geavlete B, Mihai B, Ceban E, Geavlete P. Impact of obesity on retrograde ureteroscopic approach. Journal of Medicine and Life. 2012, vol. 5, nr. 2, p. 222-227.
On-line: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3391889/ - HALAL A., GEAVLETE P., CEBAN E. Pharmacological therapy in patients diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease. Journal of Medicine and Life. 2012, vol. 5, nr. 2, p. 133-197.
On-line:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22802890 - CEBAN E. The treatment of the reno-ureteral calculi by extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL). Journal of Medicine and Life. 2012, vol. 5, nr. 2, p. 133-141.
On-line: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3391891/
Abstracte in reviste cu factor de impact:
- GHICAVII, V.; TANASE, A.; DUMBRAVEANU.; CEBAN E. – New direction in the Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia using Adenoprosin: Biologically active entomological medicine. 31 st Congress of the Societe Internationale D Urologie, Berlin, Germany, October 16-20, 2011 Urology, volume 78, supplement 3A, September 2011,p.S96 (IF-2,242).
- CEBAN E., BANOV P., OPREA A., et al. Role of computed tomography in predicting urinary stone composition. European Urology Supplements, Abstracts of the 2nd Meeting of the EAU Section of Urolithiasis. 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Vol. 12, issue 3, p.79. ISSN 1569-9056. (https://www.eusupplements.europeanurology.com/article/S1569-9056(13)61805-9/pdf?code=eursup-site) Impact factor 2.16
- CEBAN E., BANOV P., OPREA A., et al. Influence of imunomodulatory therapy on kidney function following nephrolithotomy. European Urology Supplements, Abstracts of the 2nd Meeting of the EAU Section of Urolithiasis. 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Vol. 12, issue 3, p. 92. ISSN 1569-9056. Impact factor 2.16 https://www.eusupplements.europeanurology.com/article/S1569-9056(13)61840-0/abstract?code=eursup-site
- CEBAN, E.; GALESCU, A.; BANOV, P.; TĂNASE, D.; GHICAVÎI, V.; OPREA, A. – The tubeless percutaneous nephrolitothomy – Advantages and safety. African Journal of Urology. Experts in Stone Disease 1st Conference, Supplement of AFJU, volume 18, Dubai, December 13-15, 2012, p.32
- DUMBRAVEANU, I.; BĂLUŢEL, B.; TANASE, A. – Erectile dysfunction – the first sign of cardiovascular pathologies. Clinically not manifested. Proceedings from the 15 th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 6-8 2012. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol.9, supplement 5, December 2012, p.371 (IF-3,552).
- DUMBRAVEANU, I. – Sexual disorders – first sign of type II diabetes mellitus (DM). Clinically not manifested. Proceedings from the 15 th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 6-8 2012. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol.9, supplement 5, december 2012, p.371 (IF-3,552).
- DUMBRAVEANU, I.; BĂLUŢEL, B.; TANASE, A. – Erectile dysfunction in adult men – the first sign of a systemic disease? Journal of Men΄s Health, vol.8, Issue 3, page.210 (IF-2011:0.484).
- CEBAN E.; BANOV P., GHICAVÎI, V.; TĂNASE, A.; OPREA, A – Role of BioR as Adjunctive therapy following nefrolithotomy. 32nd Congress of the Societe Internationale Urology, Fukuoka, Japan, september 30 october 4, 2012, Urology, volum 80, supplement 3A, September 09, 2012, p.S. (IF-2,242)
Curs de prelegeri:
1. TĂNASE, A. – Urologie si Nefrologie Chirurgicală. Chișinău, 2005.
- CEBAN, E. Tratamentul multimodal al nefrolitiazei complicate. Chişinău, CEP Medicina, 2013, 216- pag.
- GHICAVÎI V. Obstrucția infravezicală: diagnostic și tratament endoscopic miniinvaziv. Red. șt. L. SERGHIENCO-CIOBANU. Ch.: S. n., 2017 (Tipogr. ”Print-Caro”), 280 p.
- DUMBRĂVEANU I. Epidemiologia disfuncţiei erectile în Republica Moldova. Chişinău 2017. 203 p.
Indicații metodice:
- CEBAN, E. – Tratamentul litiazei renoureterale prin litotriție extracorporală cu unde de șoc (ESWL). Indicaţii metodice. Chișinău, 2015.
- CEBAN, E. Urolitiaza. Indicaţii metodice. Chișinău, 2013.
- DUMBRĂVEANU I. Noţiuni de sexologie. Sănătatea sexuală şi sexualitatea umană. Indicaţii metodice. Chişinău 2017, 30p.
- DUMBRĂVEANU I. Disfuncţii sexuale masculine. Disfuncţia erectilă şi dereglări ejaculatorii. Indicaţii metodice. Chişinău 2017, 31 p.
- PLEȘCA E. Pielonefrita acută la bolnavii cu diabet zaharat. Indicaţii metodice. Chişinău 2017, 42p.
- PLEȘCA E. Îndrumar de stagiu clinic pentru studenți. Indicaţii metodice. Chişinău 2017, 30 p.
- OPREA A. Traumatismele tractului urinar. Indicaţii metodice. Chișinău 2014, 26 p.
- OPREA A. Infecțiile tractului urinar. Indicaţii metodice. Chișinău 2014, 40 p.
Capitole în monografii şi culegeri:
- TĂNASE, A. – Activitatea Clinicii de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant renal în cadrul Spitalului Clinic Republican. Istoria Urologiei Române. Bucureşti, 2017, sub redacţia Ion Sinescu.